Friday, August 31, 2012

Outdoors. Indoors.

Installations by the talented Susie Macmurray.

*images courtesy of

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Acid trip.

Warning: please do not watch if epileptic. I'm only 20% kidding. This film for MSGM by Luca Finotti makes my mind dizzy, but I can't look away. The colors, patterns, beautiful people. It's all quite captivating.  I'm inspired to deck myself out in head to toe floral. And casually hang with my friends in nurseries (not the baby kind).  

Please watch responsibly. 


Monday, August 27, 2012


While filtering through my instagram pics, I found the following post...

At that exact moment, I JUST SO happen to be in an art supply store, and was feeling inspired, so I brought home several packs of googlies.

My new pin went from casual revolver to revolver with an attitude!

Sad about going back to school kids? Goog-ify that shit.

Moms, are your children not getting their daily butter consumption? GOOG-IFY. 

I hope you have been inspired and will begin your own discoveries in goog-ifying everything you own. 

Bearded lady.

Yes. I was the youngest. And yes, I was the only girl. So I was inevitably told I was adopted and my real mother was the bearded lady at the circus. I only half believed my brother. However, the other day I stumbled upon the following photo and began to wonder... which bearded lady would have been my mom?

So there are the classic examples... to which I ask "are you my momma?"

And then there are the more contemporary options...

If I had to choose, although we all know we can't choose our family (we love them regardless), I would have to go with Mr. T. He'd definitely take care of his babies, and kick ass along the way.  Although, in this scenario, Angie COULD be my dad... Woah. Too much.

I will leave you with that.  Oh. And... I dedicate this to my eldest brother. Thanks for the inspiration, years down the road.  wikipedia: bearded lady  Beyonce & Angelina:  

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Talent. Talent. Talent. That's pretty much all you need to know.

Can I be him when I grow up? Pretty please.

*video courtesy of

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday themed things.

What a lovely Saturday it has been. Sun shining. Surrounded by all things old, dusty and somewhat creepy. Le sigh. What else does a girl need in life?

Ah. To live in a trailer circa 1960. How dreamy. Until you realize there's no bathroom.

Oh. And a few babies. To haunt your dreams.

And finally, my finds of the day. Keepin' it American with eagles and guns. And spiders...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Install. Ations.

My tiny mind is overwhelmed by the creativity and sheer detail these artists incorporate into their work.  Note to self: register for welding 101 and hope some day to develop as much talent as these folks.

Rook Floro

Valerie Hegarty

Anthony Gormley

*all images courtesy of

Holy F.

I am blown away.  Celion Dion. V Magazine. Editorial. Homegirl killed that shit. I'm otherwise speechless.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Texty bastard.

Whether it be the typography, graphics or the content, these are just a few of my choice graphics. To offer inspiration.

I could continue this texty affair. But there's always another time. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Our inner child.

I can't help but notice my style has regressed. Not saying that I'm wearing pleated khakis and my brothers hand-me-downs, but my inner 13-year-old is definitely making a play in my fashion decisions. Friendship bracelets. Neons nails. Letterman jackets (although, due to my inability to coordinate my arms and legs, I never lettered. Let's not talk about it). Pink hair. Bedazzled shoes. It's all quite on point in the fashion realm, and honestly, I've had more fun styling now more than ever. Let's have a look see.

And yes.  That's my stuffed Boo. 


Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh hey.

Clsterfck: /ˈklʌst.ə(ɹ)ˌfʌk/It's simple.  All things fashion, music, design, whatever else I like. In one place. All at once. No ryhme or reason. Confusing or chaotic posts. I suppose.

Used in a sentence: This blog is a clusterfck of ideas. And I like it.

I hope that all makes no sense. If so. Success.